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tog-enotifrevealaddr (Talk) Reveal my email address in notification emails
Reveal my e-mail address in notification mails
tog-enotifusertalkpages (Talk) Email me when my user talk page is changed
E-mail me when my user talk page is changed
tog-enotifwatchlistpages (Talk) Email me when a page or file on my watchlist is changed
E-mail me on page changes
tog-extendwatchlist (Talk) Expand watchlist to show all changes, not just the most recent
tog-fancysig (Talk) Treat signature as wikitext (without an automatic link)
Raw signatures (without automatic link)
tog-forceeditsummary (Talk) Prompt me when entering a blank edit summary
Prompt me when entering a blank edit summary
tog-hideminor (Talk) Hide minor edits in recent changes
Hide minor edits in recent changes
tog-hidepatrolled (Talk) Hide patrolled edits in recent changes
tog-justify (Talk) Justify paragraphs
Justify paragraphs
tog-minordefault (Talk) Mark all edits minor by default
Mark all edits minor by default
tog-newpageshidepatrolled (Talk) Hide patrolled pages from new page list
tog-nocache (Talk) Disable browser page caching
Disable page caching
tog-norollbackdiff (Talk) Omit diff after performing a rollback
tog-numberheadings (Talk) Auto-number headings
Auto-number headings
tog-oldsig (Talk) Existing signature:
tog-prefershttps (Talk) Always use a secure connection when logged in
tog-previewonfirst (Talk) Show preview on first edit
Show preview on first edit
tog-previewontop (Talk) Show preview before edit box
Show preview before edit box
tog-rememberpassword (Talk) Remember my login on this browser (for a maximum of $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}})
Remember across sessions
tog-showhiddencats (Talk) Show hidden categories
tog-shownumberswatching (Talk) Show the number of watching users
Show the number of watching users
tog-showtoc (Talk) Show table of contents (for pages with more than 3 headings)
Show table of contents (for pages with more than 3 headings)
tog-showtoolbar (Talk) Show edit toolbar
Show edit toolbar (JavaScript)
tog-underline (Talk) Link underlining:
Underline links:
tog-useeditwarning (Talk) Warn me when I leave an edit page with unsaved changes
tog-uselivepreview (Talk) Use live preview (experimental)
Use live preview (JavaScript) (Experimental)
tog-usenewrc (Talk) Group changes by page in recent changes and watchlist
Enhanced recent changes (JavaScript)
tog-watchcreations (Talk) Add pages I create and files I upload to my watchlist
Add pages I create to my watchlist
tog-watchdefault (Talk) Add pages and files I edit to my watchlist
Add pages I edit to my watchlist
tog-watchdeletion (Talk) Add pages and files I delete to my watchlist
tog-watchlisthideanons (Talk) Hide edits by anonymous users from the watchlist
tog-watchlisthidebots (Talk) Hide bot edits from the watchlist
tog-watchlisthideliu (Talk) Hide edits by logged in users from the watchlist
tog-watchlisthideminor (Talk) Hide minor edits from the watchlist
tog-watchlisthideown (Talk) Hide my edits from the watchlist
tog-watchlisthidepatrolled (Talk) Hide patrolled edits from the watchlist
tog-watchmoves (Talk) Add pages and files I move to my watchlist
token_suffix_mismatch (Talk) '''Your edit has been rejected because your client mangled the punctuation characters in the edit token.''' The edit has been rejected to prevent corruption of the page text. This sometimes happens when you are using a buggy web-based anonymous proxy service.
toolbox (Talk) Tools
tooltip-ca-addsection (Talk) Start a new section
tooltip-ca-delete (Talk) Delete this page
tooltip-ca-edit (Talk) You can edit this page. Please use the preview button before saving
tooltip-ca-history (Talk) Past revisions of this page
tooltip-ca-move (Talk) Move this page
tooltip-ca-nstab-category (Talk) View the category page
tooltip-ca-nstab-help (Talk) View the help page
tooltip-ca-nstab-image (Talk) View the file page
tooltip-ca-nstab-main (Talk) View the content page
tooltip-ca-nstab-media (Talk) View the media page
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