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faq (Talk) FAQ
faqpage (Talk) Project:FAQ
feb (Talk) Feb
february (Talk) February
february-date (Talk) February $1
february-gen (Talk) February
feed-atom (Talk) Atom
feed-invalid (Talk) Invalid subscription feed type.
feed-rss (Talk) RSS
feed-unavailable (Talk) Syndication feeds are not available
feedback-adding (Talk) Adding feedback to page...
feedback-bugcheck (Talk) Great! Just check that it is not already one of the [$1 known bugs].
feedback-bugnew (Talk) I checked. Report a new bug
feedback-bugornote (Talk) If you are ready to describe a technical problem in detail please [$1 report a bug]. Otherwise, you can use the easy form below. Your comment will be added to the page "[$3 $2]", along with your username.
feedback-cancel (Talk) Cancel
feedback-close (Talk) Done
feedback-error1 (Talk) Error: Unrecognized result from API
feedback-error2 (Talk) Error: Edit failed
feedback-error3 (Talk) Error: No response from API
feedback-message (Talk) Message:
feedback-subject (Talk) Subject:
feedback-submit (Talk) Submit Feedback
feedback-thanks (Talk) Thanks! Your feedback has been posted to the page "[$2 $1]".
fewestrevisions (Talk) Pages with the fewest revisions
fewestrevisions-summary (Talk)  
file-deleted-duplicate (Talk) A file identical to this file ([[:$1]]) has previously been deleted. You should check that file's deletion history before proceeding to re-upload it.
file-exists-duplicate (Talk) This file is a duplicate of the following {{PLURAL:$1|file|files}}:
file-exists-sharedrepo (Talk) The filename chosen is already in use on a shared repository. Please choose another name.
file-info (Talk) file size: $1, MIME type: $2
file-info-gif-frames (Talk) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|frame|frames}}
file-info-gif-looped (Talk) looped
file-info-png-frames (Talk) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|frame|frames}}
file-info-png-looped (Talk) looped
file-info-png-repeat (Talk) played $1 {{PLURAL:$1|time|times}}
file-info-size (Talk) $1 × $2 pixels, file size: $3, MIME type: $4
file-info-size-pages (Talk) $1 × $2 pixels, file size: $3, MIME type: $4, $5 {{PLURAL:$5|page|pages}}
file-no-thumb-animation (Talk) '''Note: Due to technical limitations, thumbnails of this file will not be animated.'''
file-no-thumb-animation-gif (Talk) '''Note: Due to technical limitations, thumbnails of high resolution GIF images such as this one will not be animated.'''
file-nohires (Talk) No higher resolution available.
file-thumbnail-no (Talk) The filename begins with <strong>$1</strong>. It seems to be an image of reduced size ''(thumbnail)''. If you have this image in full resolution upload this one, otherwise change the filename please.
file-too-large (Talk) The file you submitted was too large.
fileappenderror (Talk) Could not append "$1" to "$2".
fileappenderrorread (Talk) Could not read "$1" during append.
filecopyerror (Talk) Could not copy file "$1" to "$2".
Could not copy file "$1" to "$2".
filedelete (Talk) Delete $1
filedelete-archive-read-only (Talk) The archive directory "$1" is not writable by the webserver.
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